ТОВ "Нетфрейм" 5 способів, як DevOps заощадить ваші гроші Технологічні компанії постійно прагнуть створювати та вдосконалювати свої продукти швидше. Як наслідок, DevOps став популярним методом, оскільки він допомагає покращити співпрацю між командами розробк... DevOps Reduced downtime Scalability save money
ТОВ "Нетфрейм" Контейнерізація та Kubernetes у DevOps In the past, development and operations teams worked separately in a siloed manner, but DevOps has become a great way to link the two together effectively. It employs the "pipeline" concept, aggregati... DevOps Kubernetes automation microservices
ТОВ "Нетфрейм" Slash waste with DevOps ways of working IT eagerly adopted lean methodologies from manufacturing because they help to reduce waste resulting in a bunch of benefits, including lower expenditures, shorter delivery time, streamlined processes,... DevOps Price
ТОВ "Нетфрейм" Using Datadog and Terraform for advanced monitoring as code Monitoring as code has gained big popularity in the realm of cloud computing. It increases observability, improves automating analytics, setting notifications and incident handling processes. It is al... DevOps Monitoring
ТОВ "Нетфрейм" CI/CD tooling: any decision is better than no decision CI/CD is a practice in the DevOps domain which allows to constantly deliver software to customers using automation in the stages of application development. It helps in the launch of new code and reso... CI/CD DevOps Tools
ТОВ "Нетфрейм" AWS VS. AZURE VS. GCP: Порівняльний гід "If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try not to get bogged down with definitions. I tell them that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to run your business." Marc Benioff, Founder, ... DevOps Tech